VAT Rates

Obtain official EU VAT rates, full and reduced, for different categories.

VatZen is Deprecated since January 2022 and API server will be shut down soon!

Keep the rates of your application up-to-date with a regular VAT rate lookup. This ensures that your invoice states the correct VAT across EU Member States. We have also started to add countries outside the EU and will keep them updated.

VAT rates can change irregularly as governments adapt to new circumstances. We track such announcements closely and store scheduled changes in our database. Any such change will take effect at exactly midnight local time of the respective country.

Rate Entity

Base of the rate endpoint is the Rate entity, which is returned from all rates endpoint. You can find the description of the Rate entity below:

Get All VAT Rates


This endpoint allows you fetch all the rates from our system. Before reading this article, familiarize yourself with Authorization and Rate Entity.

Query Parameters

  "success": true,
  "pagination": {
    "has_more": false,
    "total_count": 28
  "rates": [
      "standart_rate": 20,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "country": {
        "code": "AT",
        "name": "Austria",
        "local_name": "Austria",
        "member_state": true
      "categories": {
        "audiobook": 5,
        "broadcasting": 5,
        "ebook": 5,
        "eperiodical": 5,
        "eservice": 20,
        "telecommunication": 20
    // ...

Response Params

VAT Rate by Country Code


Returns country's VAT rate by country code provided in path parameter.

Path Parameters

  "success": true,
  "standart_rate": 20,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": {
    "code": "AT",
    "name": "Austria",
    "local_name": "Austria",
    "member_state": true
  "categories": {
    "audiobook": 5,
    "broadcasting": 5,
    "ebook": 5,
    "eperiodical": 5,
    "eservice": 20,
    "telecommunication": 20

VAT Rate Lookup


This method allows you to lookup the VAT rate using different parameters, such as country name, country code, ip address, etc.

Query Parameters

  "success": true,
  "standart_rate": 20,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": {
    "code": "CH",
    "name": "Switzerland",
    "local_name": "Switzerland",
    "member_state": false
  "categories": {
    "audiobook": 3,
    "broadcasting": 8,
    "ebook": 3,
    "eperiodical": 3,
    "eservice": 8,
    "telecommunication": 8

Last updated